Adjust Adapt: Bloom Anywhere

The school bell has rung, class is now in session.

There are several plants that beat the odds by growing in tough conditions. The conditions could include freezing and hot temperatures. As human beings, we have the ability to adjust and adapt to our environments so that we can grow, or become dry, unresponsive and wither away.

Whether you are in a windy, dry or rainy environment, you can still grow as if you were planted in fertile soil.


Think of your environment. Is it adding or subtracting from you? If your answer is adding that is really good, but if it is subtracting, you-can-still-grow.

Conditions and Solutions to Promoting Growth:

Cloudy Conditions

In a cloudy environment, there is a lot of confusion and shade. Do not let it drain you. The solution is to take plenty of notes, have thick skin, and be willing to ask questions. In cloudy conditions, if you stop complaining, and worrying about others; you could focus on finding resources and gaining understanding.

Windy Conditions

In a windy environment, things are ever-changing. One minute things seem to be a one way, and another minute, it is different. Change happens, but when it becomes a habit, it can be a tough. A solution to surviving in this environment is to be flexible and resilient. Do not fraternize with people who continuously complain about the changes, and never offer solutions. It can be tempting to listen, but in the end, valuable time will be wasted, and you will not grow.

Rainy Conditions

In a rainy environment, there is a lot of criticism. Think of the ole adage don’t rain on my parade. That is exactly what occurs in this environment. When a new idea, or possible suggestion is presented, it gets rained on. One solution to this issue is to choose not to be offended, realize that all criticism is not meant to be harmful; some of it actually comes from a good place. Another solution before sharing an idea, is to have a visual of some sort, a presentation or a graphic organizer. This may assist in helping those on the receiving end understand the idea better, and promote growth.

Dry Conditions

In a dry environment, there is not much movement. Resources dry up, and things become stagnant. During this time, people begin to complain about not having what they need in order to make things happen. The solution is to stop focusing on what is not there, and become innovative with what is there. Certain people flourish in a dry environment because they do not allow their present conditions to dictate their actions or outcomes.

All of these conditions play an important role. It takes the adverse conditions of rain (criticism), wind (change), cloud (confusion/shade) and dry (stagnant), to make the flower bloom. We are no different than the flower.


Where are you right now? Are you under inauspicious conditions? The good news is that the conditions, do not have to hinder your growth. There is still a chance for you to receive favorable things in an unfavorable environment.

As long as you do not allow the toxicity of complainers to overtake your mind, and stay focus on the solutions provided; growth is inevitable. The only difference in good and bad environments, are the words and actions of the people around you. Stay solid, and the environment around you will either change, or you may be placed inside another one.

The school bell has rung, class dismissed!

4 thoughts on “Adjust Adapt: Bloom Anywhere

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  1. Love mind full, or mindful. On Colorado vacation, my mind was quiet. Love that! I hope you share your blog in your new position. It is insightful and will help the kids and staff!

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