From Hosannah, To Crucify

The school bell has rung, class is now in session.

There was a time when Jesus entered into a city during Holy Week, and people started singing His praises crying, “Hosannah Hosannah!” The same crowd went from singing his praises to condemning him a few days later. Why? Because they got caught up with the voices around them. These people were asked whether they wanted to crucify a murderer, or Jesus. They responded to crucify the one they supported a few days before.

This is a prime example of people supporting a person one minute, then shortly afterwards saying the opposite about them. It can be hurtful, but do not lose heart because if they did it to Jesus, it can certainly happen to anyone. We cannot control how others respond to the voices (gossip) around them, but we can control how we respond.

For more strategies on how to deal with being treated different, check out one of my old post The Second Black Sheep. I hope it is a blessing and encouragement to you.

The school bell has rung, class dismissed!

6 thoughts on “From Hosannah, To Crucify

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  1. Great post Kamina! Jesus is always our example of how to treat others. HE is our all. Thank you Jesus for being our perfect teacher. (Hoping to email you today. 🤗)


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